Friday, October 12, 2012

Faith of our Fathers

The Door of Faith’ (acts 14:27) is always open for us, ushering us into the life of Communion with God and offering entry into his Church”… Pope Benedict XVI, Apostolic Letter Porta Fidei for the induction of the Year of Faith, from 11th of October, 2012 to the  24th  of November, 2013.

We the parishioners of The Resurrection Church, Virar (E) assembled in the Church premises at 6.30 pm on 11th October, 2012, the first day of the year of faith, which is the fiftieth anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council (Vatican II) and also the twentieth anniversary of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

The Parish Priest, Fr. Lawrence D’Souza hoisted the Flag with the Logo of the Year of Faith, proceeding with a detailed description of the logo, which shows the image of a ship, symbolizing the CHURCH, the mast of the vessel is a CROSS with full blown sails which form the monogram of Christ (IHS) and in the background the sun representing the Eucharist.

The Parish Priest Fr. Lawrence then opened the doors of the Church and welcomed the parishioners, who made their entry into the church with a lit candle in their hands, a symbol of clear light and enthusiasm in the journey to encounter Christ.

The Celebration of the Holy Eucharist began by blessing the congregation with Holy water. The Homily highlighted on the Gospel, choosing St. Peter, the rock, on whom the Lord built his Church, as an inspiration to rediscover and entrust our lives to Christ with courage and conviction. The seven points given by the Archbishop of Vasai Diocese, His Lordship, Felix Machado, was once again shared with the faithful gathered, emphasizing predominantly on the family prayers and the role of the parents to deepen in their children the knowledge of Faith.

The celebration concluded by thanking the children, altar servers, cross bearers, other associates, who volunteered to help in making an solemn entry into the year of faith and the entire congregation who inspite of a working day had gathered in a large number, affirming their faith and renewing their relationship with Christ and his Church.

The Resurrection Church